Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a communi erumpere

so a lot of my friends have blogs and I find them interesting. I enjoy reading blogs while at school, it gives me something to do. so today I was like, why not have my own? so here it is.

okay so I assume everyone who is reading this, which is actually probably no one, is thinking what the heck does "a communi erumpere" mean? unless you're in latin, then you might already know. so obviously it's in latin. I was going to titled my blog breakfree from ordinary. why you may ask? because God calls us (His followers) to be different from others. to stand out and not conform to the world. and then I thought, hey I would look pretty smart if I put the title in latin. so even though I'm in latin, I had to get some help from google translate. I typed in break free from ordinary and it gave me a communi erumpere so then I translated in back just to make sure it wasn't something crazy and translated into english it means to break out from the common. whoa, I thought that was pretty awesome. the "common" people are those of the world and sometimes I forget that I was called for a purpose and to be different from the common and to stand out in a world of nonbelievers. that's something I struggle with all the time. especially at school, it's hard. so that's why I picked that title, just as a reminder to myself.

so I guess since I just went on a rant about that, I'll just tell you a bit about myself. I was planning on posting about my mission trip/spring break to minnesota but I'm too lazy. I'll do that later. I'm 17, I'm a junior in highschool, I love my friends, I love my church, and I am currently counting down the days until school is over (21 plus 4 exam days!!). I'm excited. that's all.

k bye,
brookie cookie

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